It’s a bright and shining new year, and I aim to meet new people and embark on experiences that color scenes in my books in a positive, energizing way. Changing colors and positive vibes are themes of my next novel currently in progress, Alien Sensation.
It’s definitely an alien sensation that I didn’t manage to finish this fifth work of my Other Worldly series in the waning months of 2021, but I continue to strive to ensure it will arrive like the blossoms in springtime. Although those flower buds may look more like shimmering gemstones on the exoplanet protagonist Rowan Layne travels to next.
In Alien Sensation, Rowan will also venture to Salem, Massachusetts, plus Vermont and New York to check out a certain legendary water creature in Lake Champlain. She’ll revisit Arlington, Virginia and Washington DC just prior to the bloom of cherry blossoms, but I’m still not sure if I’ll return for a visit to the land of her (and my) youth in the new year.
But, like my protagonist, I will be relocating in 2022 once my rental house lease is up.
Unlike Rowan, who contemplates where she’ll reside and who she might live with, I know where my critters and I are headed for a change of scenery. And although I haven’t decided if I’ll paint the walls a different color, it doesn’t matter.
Because we will be in our own new space, with myriad shades of possibility awaiting us for 2022.
Like my fictional protagonist, I am overly sensitive to sound, though my auditory challenges are not extraordinary as Rowan’s are. This aversion to noise is such that the cacophony of my current neighborhood has changed how I view my residential needs and the peace I seek within four walls. As in quiet use and enjoyment of property so that I might write without constant jarring intrusion.
I am most definitely ready for sanctuary of a different and more serene hue.
So, the new year will begin with a flurry of packing, but I’ll also keep writing, with evolving novel plans for the new year and beyond.
In the crystal ball of my literary future, I see another generation flourishing, with stories from the perspective of female protagonists who were born alien in the US and have much to teach the rest of us, despite being in the fresh bloom of their lives.
It’s time to create my own horse of a different color in Oz (not unlike the former NASA astronaut alien character in my Other Worldly novels) and my imagined Emerald City. Time to be able to click the heels of my ruby slippers, or perhaps a pair of alien-designed shoes encrusted with green gemstones called verdagris, and say there’s no place like home—and mean it—as I craft the next novel, and those waiting to be written.
A universe of unfathomable color and wonder awaits beyond the rainbow. So many books to unfold and adventures to embark upon. Even if they aren’t actually into outer space, like escapades of Rowan Layne and her expanding circle of colorful extraterrestrial and human hybrid characters she calls friends.
Fantastic in every way!
Thanks Gigi!
Best wishes for your blossing New Year!
Thanks, you too!